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2023 T-Shirts and Tanks

We do have a limited number of  2023 T-Shirts and Tanks

in Heather Charcoal and Black "Porchie" T-Shirts.  

Check website for availability. 


2023 T-Shirts and Tanks are $10














An emerging alt-pop artist from Dayton, znels toured in bands, sang in the top 100 on The Voice and The X Factor, and did in-store performances for Hot Topic, Best Buy, and French Connection UK. But in 2023, he stepped out to release his own solo music. Melting many genres together, znels takes you on a ride into his brain as unexpected as his ever-changing hair color. You can anticipate these energetic new tracks to drop sometime in 2023.


@znels (IG & twitter)



42 High Street, Dayton, OH, USA

Tip the band!
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